2022-02-25 00:00:00 +0000 - Written By Omprakash
# Single line comment or Inline comment
Multiline comment
var = input("Enter sth: ")
Input method always returns a string, hence need a typecast to appropriate data-type.
var = int(input("Enter sth: "))
Display Output
Data-types in Python
Type |
Denotion |
String |
str |
Integer |
int |
Float |
float |
Boolean |
bool |
Complex |
complex |
We can use
type() method to find the data type of a variable.
We cannot convert complex numbers into another data type.
Arithmetic Operators
Name |
Denotion |
Addition |
+ |
Sutraction |
- |
Multiplication |
* |
Division |
/ |
Modulus |
% |
Exponenation |
** |
Floor Division |
// |
Comparison Operators
Name |
Denotion |
Equal |
== |
Not Equal |
!= |
Greater than |
> |
Less than |
< |
Greater than or equal to |
>= |
Less than or equal to |
<= |
Logical Operators
Name |
Description |
and |
Returns True if both statements are true |
or |
Returns True if one of the statements is true |
not |
Reverse the result, returns False if the result is true |
Identity Operators
Name |
Description |
is |
Returns True if both variables are the same object |
is not |
Returns True if both variables are not the same object |
Membership Operators
Name |
Description |
in |
Returns True if a sequence with the specified value is present in the object |
not in |
Returns True if a sequence with the specified value is not present in the object |
Bitwise Operators
Name |
Denotion |
& |
OR |
| |
^ |
! |
Left Shift |
<< |
Right Shift |
>> |
Assignment Operators
Name |
Example |
= |
x = 5 |
+= |
x += 5 |
-= |
x -= 5 |
*= |
x *= 3 |
/= |
x /= 3 |
%= |
x %= 3 |
//= |
x //= 3 |
**= |
x **= 2 |
&= |
x &= 2 |
|= |
x |= 2 |
^= |
x ^= 2 |
>>= |
x >>= 4 |
<<= |
x <<= 4 |
Conditional Statement
if <condition>:
elif <condition>:
For loop:
While loop:
Note: Python does not support do while loop.
Basic data Structures
- Ordered collection of heterogeneous data types.
- Ordered means every element has an index(subscript) associated to it.
- Denotion:- [ ]
- List can have duplicate elements.
- List is mutatable, that is element(s) of list can be modified.
- Ordered collection of heterogeneous data types.
- Ordered means every element has an index(subscript) associated to it.
- Denotion:- ( )
- Tuple can have duplicate elements.
- Tuple is immutatable, that is element(s) of tuple cannot be modified.
- Unordered collection of heterogeneous data types.
- Unordered means element(s)don't have an index(subscript) associated to it.
- Denotion:- { }
- Set cannot have duplicate elements.
- Set is mutatable, that is element(s) of tuple can be modified.
- Ordered collection of Key-Value pair.
- Ordered means dictionary remembers the order in which elements get inserted into the dictionary.
- Denotion:- { }
- Dictionary cannot have duplicate Keys.
- Dictionary is mutatable, that is values associated to key(s) can be modified.
def <function_name>(<input arguements>):
For example:
def add(a, b):
return a+b
Function declaration with data type of input argument(s) and return variable:
def add(a:int, b:float)->int:
return a+b